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Geranium & Vanilla

Geranium and Orange – Handmade Soap


Luminescents soaps are Parabens and SLS free, gentle and moisturising for the skin, causing no dryness or irritation. We do not use any animal products and we don’t test our products on animals either.

Each Soap is available to purchase in a soap cake which, when cut makes, on average, 6 bars


SKU: LU6605. Categories: , .

Each bar of our Geranium and Orange Soap contains a high proportion of vegetable glycerin for its moisturising and skin care attibutes’ It is a substance largely removed from commercial soaps as it has more value for the big commercial manufacturers as an additive in many other products they make.

Our Geranium and Orange Soap is an Ultra rich, SLS and Parabens free, relaxing, luxuriant and skin friendly glycerin soap with Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) and Orange (Citrus sinensis) essential oils.

Each of the essential oils adds a different facet with floral geranium – rich deep and rose like to bright citrusy orange to add zest and sparkle – the combination of the two fragrances is a perfect and harmonious match and as the picture illustrates ( we think ) it turns out pretty attractive for a soap bar too. It is a medium soft soap ( thats the glycerin ) and so strongly fragranced that many of our customers use the bars to fragrance their bathrooms or even their linen drawers until ready to use the soap bar as it was intended!

Its interesting to note and its a commonplace misconception that solid soaps contain ingredients which are harmful to skin. drying it and causing irritation. This simply isn’t true. In fact the opposite is very often the case and especially so with our parabens and SLS free soaps.

Just take a look at the list of the ingredients in some liquid soaps and all will be revealed. Liquid or gel soaps often contain excessive amounts of sodium chloride (salt to you and me) which is the agent that helps maintain the gel. Salt is a valuable and under-rated mineral but it is drying – it is not moisturising!

Salt acts like a poultice and will drag moisture from anything it comes into contact with – is that what we want for our skin – the largest organ in our bodies?


Aqua: glycerin: sorbitol: sodium stearate: propylene glycol: sodium chloride: stearic acid: Pelargonium graveolens essential oil: Citrus sinensis essential oil: Saponaria officinalis: pentasodium pentetate: tetrasodium etidronate:

Weight 0 kg