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pennyroyal essential oil label

Pennyroyal Essential Oil-Mentha pelegium


BOTANICAL NAME: Mentha pelegium

SCENT: Pennyroyal essential oil has a scent very similar to peppermint. Users should expect it to be sweet and herbaceous.


PLANT PART USED:  Flower Heads


ORIGIN: France

COLOUR: Pennyroyal Essential Oil is pale yellow in hue



Pennyroyal is a perennial herb that grows up to 50cm (20 in) tall with smooth roundish stalks and aromatic, gray-green oval leaves. It belongs to the mint family.

Reported Attributes of Pennyroyal Essential Oil:-

The herb and oil were traditionally used to strengthen the nerves, being valuable in so called hysteric disorders, nervous exhaustion and externally applied for pain resulting from neuralgia. It has a long traditional use as a carminative, diaphoretic, stimulant and as an emmenagogue.

Pennyroyal Blends With:-

Apart from other mints and Citrus oils it really does not blend well

History of Pennyroyal:-

It is a herbal remedy of ancient repute, and was used to purify the blood, for digestive and menstrual problems and feverish colds. It also has a deserved reputation as an insect repellent.

The term Pennyroyal (or Pennyrile, from a dialectal pronunciation) is also used to describe a geographic province of western Kentucky where the above-described herb grew in profusion sufficient to lend its name to the whole area.

CAUTIONS: The Essential Oil is toxic.

It is a powerful abortifacient, and in small quantities can even cause acute liver and lung damage. Use extremely well diluted.

It is not recommended for aromatherapy and should only be applied externally.

Weight 0 kg