Xuan Fu Hua Flowers – Inula japonica


Xuan Fu Hua Flowers

Inula japonica

Also known in the West as Horse-heal, Velvet Dock, Scabwort, Yellow Starwort, Alant, Elfdock, Wild Sunflower, Elfwort or Marchalan

50 grams


Xuan Fu Hua (Inula japonica) is a perennial plant common in Northern China across the Tibetan plateau and in Japan

There are around 40 different Inula species and this herb is related to the Western Inula helenium which is commonly known as Elecampane, Horse-heal, Velvet Dock, Scabwort, Yellow Starwort, Alant, Elfdock, Wild Sunflower, Elfwort or Marchalan in Europe and N America,

It is a rather rigid herb, the stem of which attains a height of from 3 to 6 feet; the leaves are large and toothed, the lower ones stalked, the rest embracing the stem; the flowers are yellow, 2 inches broad, and have many rays, each three-notched at the extremity. The root is thick, branching and mucilaginous, and has a warm, bitter taste and a pleasant camphoraceous odour. The medicinal parts of inula are its roots and rhizomes, which are collected in the early fall or winter for herbal preparations. The rhizome has a strong odor and a bitter, pungent taste.

Uses for Xuan Fu Hua:-

The medicinal plant parts on Inula japonica are contained within its root and rhizomes and its flowers. They are collected in Autumn and the rhizome has a very strong aroma with a most bitter and pungent flavour. The flowers are also used and are effective in the remedial action for Asthma and bronchitis although Chinese Medicine also uses the herb for a number of other complaints of the kindeys and Liver. It is classified as bitter, acrid, salty, slightly warm.

It is an expectorant, anti-tussive, diaphoretic, hepatic, and anti-microbial


Weight 0.1 kg
Best Before

October 2026


Autumn 2022

Batch Code


Country of Origin
