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Bitter Orange Leaves

Bitter Orange Leaves (Cut) – Citrus aurantium


Cut Bitter Orange Leaves

Citrus aurantium

100 grams

Bitter Orange leaves (Citrus aurantium) are made into a delicate infusion simply by pouring boiled water over a small handful of them – distinctly different from Orange Flower Tea. Green, light and refreshing. Add a pinch of gunpowder green tea for more flavour and maybe a few orange blossoms to enhance the floral aspect. Really nice in the summer.

They are also known as Seville orange, sour orange, bigarade orange, or marmalade orange Leaves

Bitter orange Leaves is also employed as a mild stimulant and an appetite suppressant which is due to its active ingredient synephrine.

To make an infusion of Bitter Orange Leaves:-

When making, as with all infusions, let the water settle after boiling so that it has stopped bubbling. This is then just “off the boil” and avoids scalding the herb. Aways use fresh water rather than water you have prevously boiled. Let the herb steep for a few minutes.

Weight 0.1 kg
Country of Origin


Batch Code



Summer 2023

Best Before

May 2026