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Hemp Seed – (Cannabis sativa) Cold Pressed Vegetable Oil


BOTANICAL NAME: Cannabis sativa

AROMATIC: Hemp Seed Oil is mostly odourless and characteristic of vegetable oils but can have a stong herbaceaous aroma and like all cold pressed untreated vegetable oils has a slight fatty note.


COLOUR: Deep Green

CONSISTENCY: Hemp Seed Oil is light.

ABSORPTION: Hemp Seed oil is readily absorbed.

SHELF LIFE: Hemp Seed oil is slow to go rancid; users can expect a shelf life of 6 Months to 1 Year with proper storage conditions (cool, out of direct sunlight). Refrigeration after opening is recommended.

Hemp Seed Oil is high in Omega fatty acids and proteins. It makes a fantastic cosmetic grade oil due to its nutrients, though the illegal Cannabis association tends to reduce its popularity. It is currently being more readily explored by progressive manufacturers.

USES: Hemp is becoming a popular manufacturing oil, though only through pioneers in the cosmetic field.





Weight 0 kg