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Curry Leaf essential oil label

Curry Leaf Essential Oil-Murraya Koenigi


BOTANICAL NAME: Murraya Koenigi

SCENT: Curry leaf essential oil is a blend of sweet and spicy, with a bitter tone characteristic of some spices.

STRENGTH OF AROMA:  Medium to Strong


EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation.


COLOUR: Curry Leaf essential oil has a pale yellow hue


NOTE: Middle

SKU: LU1100. Categories: , . Tag: .

The Curry Tree or Curry-leaf Tree from which this Curry Leaf Essential Oil is distilled is a tropical to sub-tropical tree in the family Rutaceae, which is native to India.

It is a small tree, growing 4-6 metres in height, with a trunk up to 40 cm diameter. The leaves are pinnate, with 11-21 leaflets, each leaflet 2-4 cm long and 1-2 cm broad. The flowers are small white, and fragrant. The small black, shiny berries are edible, but their seeds are very poisonous.

Reported Attributes for Curry Leaf Essential Oil:-

Traditional and Emotional uses reportedly include:-

Aromatherapists use this oil for skin care.

Curry Leaf Essential Oil Blends Well With:-

None documented.


Curry Leaves have long been used in India – both for their essential oil benefits and for use in culinary applications. The plant was named after Lord Krishna.

Its leaves are highly aromatic and are used as an herb. Their form is small and narrow and somewhat resemble the leaves of the Neem tree. They are commonly used as seasoning in Indian and Sri Lankan cooking, much like bay leaves and, especially, in curries with fish or coconut milk. In their fresh form, they have a short shelf life and may be stored in a freezer for up to a week.  Their dried form is longer lasting.

The species name commemorates the botanist Johann Gerhard Koenig.

Weight 0 kg