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Lilac Organic Essential Oil CO2 Total Extraction-Syringa vulgaris


BOTANICAL NAME: Syringa vulgaris

SCENT: Lilac Organic Essential Oil CO2 Total Extraction has an overwhelming floral aroma characteristic of fresh cut lilac blooms.



ORIGIN: Bulgaria

COLOUR: Lilac Organic Essential Oil CO2 Total Extraction is yellowish green in hue

CONSISTENCY: slightly waxy and viscous but pourable after a little gentle heating.


Syringa vulgaris from which Lilac Organic Essential Oil CO2 Total Extraction is obtained originates from the Balkans but is found across many parts of the world and belongs to the same family as the Olive. Although it is now found almost everywhere it is not regarded as an aggressive species, found in the wild in widely scattered sites, usually in the vicinity of past or present human habitations, becsause the stems have a hollow character the word syringe is derived from the name.

Don’t know what a CO2 Total Extract is? Click here


Traditional Uses for Lilac Organic Essential Oil CO2 Total Extraction:-

Mainly used in perfume but many find this highly pungent extraction calmin and relaxing and it is of increasing use by aromatherapists.

The yield of this extraction is really quite tiny and the highly prized and much valued result is a scent that is unaffected, sweet, floral, slightly balsamic and green with an earthy undertone. It has a waxy golden hue.

After drying down the aroma can become a little spicy with evocatve cinnamon or clove notes detectable.

Although the fragrance of lilacs themselves may seem out-dated in these sophisticated times, it still remains an important and very useful floral component in modern perfumery.

Lilac Organic Essential Oil CO2 Total Extraction Blends Well With:-

Works well with all citrus oils, musky scents like Patchouli and Sandalwood and resinous aromas like Juniper. It is only slightly soluble in alcohol



Weight 0 kg

100ml, 10ml, 1ml, 200ml, 25ml, 2ml, 50ml, 5ml, sampler