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gardenia absolute oil label

Gardenia Absolute Oil (Gardenia grandiflora) 100% Pure


BOTANICAL NAME: Gardenia grandiflora

SCENT:  Sweet, floral, rich, exquisite scent.





COLOUR: Pale green to amber

CONSISTENCY: Slightly viscous



CAUTIONS: Absolutes should be avoided during pregnancy and never ingested (taken internally) and should be kept away from children and pets. No medicinal claims are made for this product and the notes above are provided for guidance purposes only. Absolute Oils are powerful plant extracts and should be used with extreme caution. You should seek the advice of a qualified practitioner should you be in any doubt.

It is important to note that all absolutes are extremely concentrated by nature. They should not be evaluated in this state unless you are accustomed to the undiluted fragrance. For those trying Absolutes for the first time, we strongly recommend they be evaluated in dilution. Otherwise, the complexity of the fragrance – particularly the rare and exotic notes – become lost.

Gardenia Absolute (sometimes called the Cape Jasmine) is an incredibly rare oil to locate nowadays, so little of it is made anywhere in the World, often adulterated and most oils labeled as Gardenia are synthetically re-produced. This is authentic Gardenia absolute made as described.

The plant is a native native to the tropical and sub-tropical areas of Asia, Africa,  Madagascar in particular, and some Pacific Islands. It belongs to the same family of plants as Coffee.

Traditional Used for Gardenia Absolute Oil:-

It has no known aromatherapy benefits and is most often used in high grade perfume manufacture.

Absolutes should be avoided during pregnancy and never ingested (taken internally) and should be kept away from children and pets. No medicinal claims are made for this product and the notes above are provided for guidance purposes only. Absolute Oils are powerful plant extracts and should be used with extreme caution. You should seek the advice of a qualified practitioner should you be in any doubt.

It is important to note that all absolutes are extremely concentrated by nature. They should not be evaluated in this state unless you are accustomed to the undiluted fragrance. For those trying Absolutes for the first time, we strongly recommend they be evaluated in dilution. Otherwise, the complexity of the fragrance – particularly the rare and exotic notes – become lost.

Weight 0 kg