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Mimosa absolute oil

Mimosa Absolute Oil (Acacia dealbata) 100% Pure


BOTANICAL NAME: Acia dealbata

SCENT: Mimosa is woody and floral, rich and exotic.


PLANT PART USED:  Flower and twig ends


ORIGIN: France

COLOUR: Pale Amber to dark brown


NOTE: Base

CAUTIONS: Absolutes should be avoided during pregnancy and never ingested (taken internally) and should be kept away from children and pets. No medicinal claims are made for this product and the notes above are provided for guidance purposes only. Absolute Oils are powerful plant extracts and should be used with extreme caution. You should seek the advice of a qualified practitioner should you be in any doubt.

It is important to note that all absolutes are extremely concentrated by nature. They should not be evaluated in this state unless you are accustomed to the undiluted fragrance. For those trying Absolutes for the first time, we strongly recommend they be evaluated in dilution. Otherwise, the complexity of the fragrance – particularly the rare and exotic notes – become lost.

SKU: LU11442. Categories: , .

Mimosa , sometimes known as Black Wattle is an attractive small tree up to 40 ft. high, having a greyish-brown bark with irregular, longitudinal ridges, delicate foliage, and clusters of extremely fragrant bright yellow flowers. A concrete and absolute is obtained by solvent extraction from the flowers and twig ends.

Like many other perfume plants, the Acacia, a native of Australia, was brought to Europe as an ornamental plant in the early part of the 19th century. The tree is used in Australia as a tanning material.


It is an astringent, antiseptic. De-stress. Relaxing, calming and has been used in skin care for oily, sensitive skin and for general skincare. It is also and primarily used in perfumery


The bark – wattle bark – is used in tanning of leather, and an extract is used for diarrhea and astringent gargle.. Nowdays it is most often used in aromatherapy for cases of anxiety, nervous tension and over-sensitive stress disorders but is primarily used as a fixitive in soaps and high class perfumes.

Weight 0 kg