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Invigorate Pre Blended Essential Oils


Invigorate Blend


Lemon (Citrus limonum) is similar to fresh lemon rinds except richer and more concentrated.

Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum ) has a sweet, rich, woody, exotic, oriental, luxurious, and balsamic aroma.

Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) is a strong, sharp, spicy smelling oil. It is faintly reminiscent of clove oil.


Invigorate Pre Blended Essential Oils isĀ  a carefully combined range of two or more essential oils specifically balanced for their combined aromatherapy attributes for a particular condition or simply, and more frequently, for their exquisite complimentary fragrances.

Blending is a popular way to enjoy a variety of oils for their attributes and their combined fragrance but its very easy to get the blend wrong by adding a little too much of one or too little of another oil. Pre Blended Essential Oils are expertly blended so that they are always consistent

The oils in this Invigorate Blend are reputed to assist promoting energy and zest especially upon waking. It is best used as a vapourising oil to create a pleasing and attractive ambient atmosphere but may also be used with a few drops in the bath or on your shower cloth. Some people like to carry the small bottle with them and take in the aroma from the open top when they feel the day is flagging and lethargy is prevalent.

Invigorate Pre Blended Essential Oils contains the following essential oils:-

Lemon (Citrus limonum) is similar to fresh lemon rinds except richer and more concentrated.

Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum ) has a sweet, rich, woody, exotic, oriental, luxurious, and balsamic aroma.

Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) is a strong, sharp, spicy smelling oil. It is faintly reminiscent of clove oil.

Weight 0 kg