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white sandalwood essential oil label

White Sandalwood Essential Oil-Michelia alba


BOTANICAL NAME: Michelia alba

SCENT: White Sandalwood essential oil is intensely green and herbaceaous



EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation.


COLOUR: White Sandalwood essential oil is pale green in hue.



This product has nothing to do with Sandalwood (santalum album or spicatum) and bears no resemblance fragrance wise (albeit a heavenly aroma) but is merely another name for White Champaca

White Sandalwood, the leaves, flowers, and complete form of which resemble the Magnolia very closely and to which ancient family (over 95 million years)  it belongs, is native to tropical and subtropical South and South East Asia and Southern China. The whole genus consists of about 50 different species.

The blossoms of White Sandalwood generally form clusters among the leaves, rather than singly at the branch ends as Magnolia does. It is sometimes known as White Champaca or Michelia Alba

The whole species is grown for either its flowers or the lumber obtained from most of the trees as both are considered highly desirable and valuable commodities.

Traditional Uses for White Sandalwood Essential Oil:-

It is not generally of any use in aromatherapy although the aroma from it is quite lovely and highly prized and considered calming and balancing but the essential oil is used extensively in the high end perfume industry for the very same reason.


There are around 50 different species of White Sandalwood, one of which. Michelia champaka is very well known and sought after in perfumery circles and is simply known as Champaka Absolute.

The genus is named after the Pietro Antonio Micheli (1679 to 1737), a famous Florentine botanist in his time.


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