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Black Sage Twig & Leaf (cut) – Salvia melifera


Black Sage Twig and Leaf (cut)

Salvia mellifera

10 grams


This Black Sage Twig and Leaf (salvia melifera) is sustainably wild harvested which grows in California. It is known as Black Sage because it goes particularly dark in drought conditions. Loose Leaves are best used in your own incense blends or burnt as is with a piece of charcoal.

Black Sage, also known as Dream Weed or sometimes Magical Sage for its unique ability to stimulate dreams, is found in the mountains of the West Coast from California north through British Columbia. It is renowned as a smudging herb for its subtle, sweet scent and dream-inducing qualities. This sage is used for magic purposes in ritual practices and for protection.

Weight 0.01 kg
Country of Origin


Batch Code
