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Pickling Spice


Pickling Spice

100 grams

SKU: RD286. Category: . Tags: , , , , , .

Pickling Spice is a blend used in mixtures to pickle various foods, as well as to season certain dishes, the blend used can differ greatly according to the manufacturer.

Our pickling spice ingredients (usually whole or in coarse pieces) includes:-

Coriander Seed
Black Peppercorns
Dill Seed
Black Mustard Seed
Yellow Mustard Seed
Ginger Root
Mace Blades

Pickling spice not only adds characteristic flavour to pickles, it adds complex flavour to braised meats, stews, beans and rice dishes. Try it as an alternative flavouring mix – you might be surprised.

Pickling is the process of extending the lifespan of foods by preserving them in vinegar, oil or in brine ( a heavy salt and water mix with a little distilled vinegar often added)

The result, after a period of time,  is a pickle. The process will affect the flavour and the texture of the food stuff being used and added flavour is achieved by adding spices as in this pickle blend. Vegetables fruit fish and meat have all a long history of spiced pickling and preserving across almost every culture in the world.


Weight 0.1 kg
Country of Origin

Various Countries

Batch Code
