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Marshmallow Root Powder- Althaea officinalis


Marshmallow Root Ground Powder

Althaea officinalis

Also known as Altea, Alteia, Althaeae Folium, Althaeae Radi, Althea, Althée, Guimauve, Guimauve Officinale, Gulkhairo, Herba Malvae, Mallards, Malvavisco, Marsh Maillo, Mauve Blanche, Mortification Root, Racine de Guimauve, Sweet Weed, Wymote.

50 grams


Ground to a fine powdery consistency, this form of Powdered Marshmallow Root is much easier to take when used with hot milk as a drink or to use when cooking so is some people’s first choice. As a milky drink it is quite pleasant and in cooking, its flavour and presence disappears. Its demulcent effect is soothing for the gut and protects from further inflammation for those that suffer IBS type symptoms as well as in sore throats. In this form it is far easier to use as a poultice for bruises and strains applied to the affected area.

Marshmallow Root Powder is a native of most countries of Europe, from Denmark southward. It grows in salt marshes, in damp meadows, by the sides of ditches, by the sea and on the banks of tidal rivers. In the UK it grows almost everywhere but occurs mostly in the maritime counties in the south of England, ranging as far north as Lincolnshire. In Scotland it has been deliberately introduced.

Powdered Marshmallow Root has many colloquial names, some of which are Altea, Alteia, Althaeae Folium, Althaeae Radi, Althea, Althée, Guimauve, Guimauve Officinale, Gulkhairo, Herba Malvae, Mallards, Malvavisco, Marsh Maillo, Mauve Blanche, Mortification Root, Racine de Guimauve, Sweet Weed, Wymote.

Marshmallow Root Powder is traditionally used as for the following purposes:-

It is an Anti-inflammatory- Antioxidant – Breathing Disorders – Bronchitis – Catarrh (respiratory mucous) – Cellular Regeneration – Cleansing – Colds and flu – Cough – Detoxification – Digestive Upsets – Gastritis – Gastroenteritis – Immune System – Laryngitis – Poultice – Skin Problems – Sore Throat – Urinary Tract Problems – Minor Wounds. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

The excellent demulcent (soothing and gel creating) and emollient (moisturising) properties of Powdered Marshmallow Root make it a very useful herb in the relief of  inflammation and irritation of the alimentary canal, so is used frequently in cases of Iritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) but also for the urinary system and most probably best known for sore throats, comgestion and respiratory complaints.


Weight 0.050 kg
Best Before

December 2025


Summer 2022

Batch Code


Country of Origin