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Ajowan Essential Oil.png
ajowan botanical 02

Ajowan Essential Oil-Trachyspermum copticum


BOTANICAL NAME: Trachyspermum copticum

ALSO KNOWN AS:  Bishop’s Weed



EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam distillation


COLOUR: Pale yellow to brown



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CAUTIONS:Use well diluted as it can cause skin irritation. Avoid during pregnancy. As with all essential oils, they should not be used during pregnancy and never ingested (taken internally) and should be kept away from children and pets. No medicinal claims are made for this product and the notes above are provided for guidance purposes only. Essential Oils are powerful plant extracts and should be used with extreme caution. You should seek the advice of a qualified practitioner should you be in any doubt.

SKU: LU1001. Categories: , .

Reported Attributes of Ajowan Essential Oil:

Traditional and Emotional uses of Ajowan reportedly include:-

Ajowan is traditionally credited with being anti spasmodic, stimulant, tonic, and carminative properties. It is a anti microbial agent.

Ajowan Essential Oil Blends Well With:

Thyme, Parsley, Sage

History of Ajowan:-

The essential oil has been traditionally used in India as an antiseptic and aromatic carminative. Its action and uses are similar to those of thymol. Ajowan is native to India, but is also cultivated in Iran, Egypt Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is also known as Ajwain seed, Bishop’s Weed, Ethiopian Cumin, Omam, or Carom

The seeds are used in Asian cooking, breads, biscuits, savoury pastries, and in bean dishes. This spice closely resembles the Lovage seed in appearance. The greyish-green seeds are striped and curved (similar to cumin or caraway seeds as well as lovage), often with a fine silk stalk attached. The seeds are often chewed on their own for medicinal value, tasting bitingly hot and bitter, leaving the tongue numb for a while. Cooking the seed mellows it somewhat, When crushed, they have a strong and distinctive thyme-like fragrance

The seeds contain the essential oil which is about 50% thymol which is a strong germicide, anti-spasmodic and fungicide. Thymol is also used in toothpaste and perfumery. It is used in a steeped liquid form against diarrhea and flatulence. In India the seeds are used as a household remedy for indigestion and colic, and used in poultices to relieve asthma and arthritis. It also has aphrodisiac properties and the Ananga Ranga prescribes it for increasing a husband’s enjoyment in his middle years!

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Weight 0 kg