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Birch Tar essential oil label

Birch Tar Essential Oil-Betula alba



SCENT: Birch Tar Essential Oil is reminiscent of tar, charred wood and smoke.



EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation. The tar is produced from the bark of various birch species (in this case Betula alba) by slow destructive distillation. It is a rectified oil and NOT CRUDE. The crude oil is outlawed throughout the EU. Rectification is a process of double distillation to remove impurities that could be harmful


COLOUR: Birch Tar Essential Oil has a dark brown hue

CONSISTENCY: Thick and Viscous

NOTE: Middle

SKU: LU1020. Categories: , .

The birch tree, from which Birch Tar Essential Oil is obtained, is native to the northern hemisphere and grows up to 15-20 metres in height. It has slender branches, silver-white bark broken into scales and light green oval leaves.

Often compared to the scent of a campfire, Birch tar oil contains, amongst other constituents, guaiacol, cresol, and pyrocatechol . Birch tar is a thick, bituminous, brownish-black liquid, with a pungent, smoky odour.

Reported Attributes of Birch Tar Essential Oil:-

Traditional and Emotional uses reportedly include:-

It has no known western aromatherapy associations.

Birch tar oil resembles oil of Cade in its properties, and is used for external application in the form of ointment (10 per cent.) or soap (10 per cent.) for eczema, psoriasis, and other skin afflictions. Mixed with other essential oils it is used to keep away mosquitoes. The crude tar from Birch is used in pharmaceutical preparations for dermatological diseases.

Birch Tar Essential Oil Blends Quite Well With:-

Cananga, Benzoin, Jasmine, Sandalwood and Rosemary.

History of Birch Tar:-

The well-known odour of Russian leather is due to the application of birch tar in the process of dressing. It likewise imparts durability to leather, and it is owing to its presence that books bound in Russia leather, are not liable to become mouldy.


May cause irritation to sensitive skin.

Weight 0 kg