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Immortelle Essential Oil – Helichrysum italicum


BOTANICAL NAME: Helichrysum italicum

SCENT: Immortelle has a strong straw-like, fruity smell, with a honey and peppery tea undertone. Its main constituents are neryl acetate, nerol, geraniol, pinene, and linalool.


PLANT PART USED:  Flower Heads

EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation

ORIGIN: The Balkans

COLOUR: Immortelle Essential Oil ranges from pale yellow to orange/red in hue


NOTE: Base

Helichrysum italicum, is just one of the Helichrysums and from which this Immortelle Essential Oil is distilled. It is also sometimes known as the Helichrysum plant and has silver- green leaves that smell of pepper and a little like curry which is why it is also sometimes called the Curry Plant although it does not have any associations with curry at all albeit it is sometimes used in a culinary sense. Its flowers are a deep yellow.

Reported Attributes of Immortelle Essential Oil:-

Traditional and Emotional uses reportedly include:-

The therapeutic properties of Immortelle oil in  skincare is that of being anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, and astringent. The oil promotes new cell growth and also has excellent  antioxidant qualities.

The oil itself has choleretic and diuretic properties and is used for peptic discomfort, as well as to relieve water retention.

The oil contains flavonoids, bitter tasting naringenin, narigenin-5-O-diglucoside, helichrysin A and B and glycosides of apigenin, luteolin, kaempferol and quercetin plus an unidentified antibacterial compound (named arenarin). It is reputed to help with Abscesses, acne, boils, burns, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, irritated skin, & wounds.

The younger plants yield more oil than the more mature Immortelle, and a better quality of oil can be obtained from freshly cut flower tops.

It is reputed to put off cats entering a garden if planted.

Immortelle Essential Oil Blends Well With:-

Geranium, Lavender, Rose, Lime, Neroli, Orange, Petitgrain, Dalmatian Sage and Ylang-Ylang essential oils.

Weight 0 kg