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winter savory essential oll label

Winter Savory Essential Oil-Saureja montana


BOTANICAL NAME: Saureja montana

SCENT: Winter Savory essential oil has a fresh, sharp and herbaceous aroma



EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation.

ORIGIN: France

COLOUR: Winter Savory is pale yellow to golden orange in hue.


NOTE: Middle

Winter Savory (Satureja montana) is a robust perennial plant originating in Europe and North Africa.It has grey to green leaves with tiny deep red flowers. It is a close relation to Summer Savory (Satureja hortensis) but Winter Savory is said to have a more powerful medicinal action.

It is often used in companion planting in bean crops as it is effective at keeping away certain pests like weevils and aphids.

Reported Attributes of Winter Savory Essential Oil:-

Traditional and Emotional uses reportedly include:-

Thought to be a remedy for colic and a cure for flatulence, it is also used to treat gastro-enteritis, cystitis, nausea, diarrhoea, bronchial congestion, sore throat and menstrual disorders.

A sprig of the plant, rubbed onto bee or wasp stings, brings relief rather in the manner of dock.

It is reported that this therapeutic-grade oil has been used to inhibit growth of  Candida albicans in tests.

The plant is harvested in the summer when in flower and can be used fresh or dried. The essential oil forms an ingredient in lotions for the scalp in cases of incipient baldness. An ointment made from the plant is used externally to relieve arthritic joints.

Not used in aromatherapy but as a general tonic. It is an antiseptic, carminative and an expectorant. It was once thought to inhibit sexual desire whilst Summer Savory was thought to increase libido.

Weight 0 kg