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Chicken Seasoning


Chicken Seasoning

100 grams

Chicken Seasoning is a perfect blend of herbs and spices specifically for grilling, roasting or braising white  meat dishes. It is good with Chicken particularly but also works very well with Pork.

Add some Cayenne Pepper or Chilly flakes to the blend if you want to add a little more heat and some honey (preferably) or a little sugar to the blend when mixed with a teaspoon each of oil and vinegar or lemon juice to make a glaze.

Chicken Seasoning Ingredients include

Spanish Paprika



French Tarragon



Black Pepper

Add real flavour to all your chicken and pork meat dishes with this flavoursome blend of salt, cumin, parsley, French tarragon,  Spanish paprika, garlic and black pepper, a combination of herbs and spices that really enhances rich meaty flavours making it a perfect rub for Chicken or pork and roasts that gives a delicious savoury note with hot peppery undertones.

Simply mix some of this Chicken Seasoning to taste with a little oil, score the meat if appropriate, and rub the seasoning well into the meat before grilling, roasting  or braising.  If you leave the meat to stand after coating for a little while the flavours will seep into the meat, the longer left, the more effective.




Weight 0.100 kg

JI 552525B


Many Countries


Dec 2019