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Celery Salt


Celery Salt

Apium graveolens dulce

100 grams

Ingredients:-Allergens listed in bold type

Fine Ground Sea Salt and Ground Celery Seed

Prepared in an environment where nuts and grains may have been present

SKU: RD934. Category: . Tags: , , , .

Celery salt is a mixture of fine-grained salt and ground celery seed.

Sprinkle a little on pork roast, beef roast, vegetables, potato salad, tomato or vegetable juices. Rim your glasses with celery salt to make a stupendous Bloody Mary.

Celery (Apium graveolens dulce) is an herbaceous edible biennial plant in the family Apiaceae, (to which Celeriac and Chinese Celery belong) and is native to the coasts of western and northern Europe, although now introduced worldwide. Growing wild it is most commonly in ditches and salt marshes. It is sometimes called Marshwort as a result of its wild habitat.

Culinary Uses for Celery Salt:-

Celery Salt, Dried Celery seeds or Celery powder are used as a flavouring ingredient.

Celery is one of the three vegetables considered the holy trinity of Louisiana Creole and Cajun cuisine. It is also one of the three vegetables (together with onions and carrots) that constitute the French mirepoix, which is often used as a base for sauces and soups.

Celery seed is used as a spice. When combined with salt, the resulting spice blend is called celery salt. Celery salt is used as an alternate to ordinary salt seasoning in various recipes and cocktails. It is notably used to enhance the flavour of Bloody Mary cocktails, the Chicago-style hot dog, and Old Bay Seasoning.

Chinese celery or Oriental celery has thinner stalks and a stronger flavor. It is rarely consumed raw, but is often added to soups and stir-fries. It is rarely dried.


Weight 0.1 kg
Batch Code


Country of Origin
