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Thai Mixed Herbs Seasoning Blend


Thai Mixed Herbs Seasoning Blend

100 grams

Ingredients:-Allergens listed in bold type

LemonGrass, Basil, Cinnamon, Fennel, Aniseed, Cloves, Black Pepper, Coriander Leaf

Prepared in an environment where nuts and grains may have been present

Thai Mixed Herbs Seasoning Blend is a typical and exquisite blend of herbs and spices well known and equally often used in Thailand for adding authentic taste to soups and stir fries but just as versatile to use with a little oil and lemon juice as a meat rub or marinade.

Thai Mixed Herbs Seasoning Blend contains the following ingredients:-

Black Pepper
Coriander Leaf

To make a meat rub, simply add some of the Thai Mixed Herbs Seasoning Blend to a little oil and either lemon juice or vinegar (even a little white wine) and make a rough and ready paste. Quantities are down to you and to suit your taste but an equal teaspoon of each ingredient ( heaped in the case of the herbs ) is enough to use on two Chicken breasts or two chops or one medium sized fish.

Rub the rough paste into the meat or fish thoroughly, Scoring the flesh first will ensure that the blend infuses well with the flesh. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours but really, as with all these things, overnight would be best. Grill or fry your meat leaving all the meat rub still on and use any juices that have accumulated. Don’t worry if the remaining rub chars a bit during the grilling or frying process – it all adds to the flavour.

To add flavour to a soup, simply make with a teaspoon of the herb mix from the beginning of the cooking process.

To make a drizzling oil, then infuse a quantity of the blend in some olive oil (or oil of your choice) for a few days, Make sure your utensils are sterilised – you don’t want bacteria or a fermentation to take place. Strain the oil through a fine sieve, bottle (it will have changed colour) and store in the fridge. Drizzle some oil over some soup for instance just before serving.

Weight 100 kg

JI 100206


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