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Gomenol (Malaleuca viridiflora) 100% Pure Essential Oil


BOTANICAL NAME: Malaleuca viridiflora

SCENT: Gomenol essential oil has a sharp, clear floral and slightly campherous aroma.


PLANT PART USED: Leaves and Twigs

EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation.

ORIGIN: New Caledonia

COLOUR: Gomenol essential oil is pale yellow/greenish in hue.


NOTE: Middle

Malaleuca viridiflora is an evergreen tree with pointed leaves and spiky long yellow flowers. The leaves of the evergreen are extremely fragrant when crushed. Malaleuca viridiflora can be found in New Caledonia and Australia.


It is sought after for its antiseptic, clearing and cleansing properties and as a physical and mental stimulant. It is also used for its decongestant, insecticidal and stimulant properties. In today’s society it is used during radiology treatments on the skin to prevent burning during radiation treatments. Gomenol is used often with cancer patients because of its effect as a stimulant for the circulation as it increases the growth of white blood cells. It can be used to alleviate the pain of muscle tension. It is also good for intestinal infections along with urinary infections.


Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Myrtle, Rosemary, Scotch Pine and Sweet Fennel


Gomenol has a long history of use by many different cultures. In New Caledonia the fresh air and absence of malaria is credited solely to the indiginous Malaleuca viridiflora trees which grows all over the islands. It is also used in to purify their water supply.

In the Middle East it is valued as a tea that helps stimulate healthy bowels.

It has been used in many hospitals: the French use it in the obstetrics and gynaecology fields because of its high antiseptic qualities.

Gomenol essential oil did not appear in Europe until the 17th century. Captain Cook gave it the botanical name while on route from Australia. In most parts of the world it is known as Niaouli

Weight 0 kg