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sweet orange essential oil label

Sweet Orange Essential Oil-Citrus sinensis


BOTANICAL NAME: Citrus sinensis

SCENT: Orange Sweet Essential Oil has a sweet, citrus smell much like the orange peels it is derived from, only more intense and concentrated.




ORIGIN: Brazil

COLOUR: Orange Sweet Essential Oil is golden amber in hue



Sweet Orange is derived from an evergreen tree. It is smaller than the bitter orange tree, and less hardy with fewer or no spines. The fruit itself has a sweet pulp with no bitter membrane.

Reported Attributes of Sweet Orange Essential Oil:-

Sweet Orange Essential Oil is very much like Bitter orange in its applications. Properties are as follows: antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, carminative, cordial, deodorant, digestive, stimulant (nervous), tonic (cardiac, circulatory). It has also been applied to combat colds, constipation, dull skin, flatulence, the flu, gums, slow digestion, and stress.

Sweet Orange Essential Oil Blends Well With:-

Lavender, Bergamot, Rosewood, Lemon, Clary Sage, Myrrh, Sandalwood and spicy oils such as Nutmeg, Cinnamon and Clove


The orange is unknown in the wild state and it has been assumed that it developed in China, India, and Southeastern Asia, and that they were first cultivated in China around 2500 BC.

In Europe, the Moors introduced the orange to Spain which was then known as Al Andalus, the modern Andalucia with large scale cultivation starting in the 10th century.

Citrus fruits like the bitter orange were introduced to Italy by the crusaders in the 11th century and were grown widely in the south for medicinal purposes but the sweet orange was unknown until the late 15th century or the beginnings of the 16th century, when Italian and Portuguese merchants brought orange trees back home.Shortly afterward, the sweet orange was adopted as an edible fruit. It also was considered a luxury item and wealthy people grew oranges in private conservatories, called orangeries. By 1646, the sweet orange was well known throughout Europe.

They were introduced into the Americas by the Spanish


CAUTIONS: Orange oils are mildly phototoxic, like all citrus fruits. Do not go out into sunlight for 30 minutes after applying.

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