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white cypress essential oil label

White Cypress Essential Oil-Callitris glaucophylla


BOTANICAL NAME: Callitris glaucophylla

SCENT: White Cypress essential oil is sweet, balsamic and spicy. It has a very pleasant Evergreen aroma that is an unusual combination of smoky, woody and dry elements. It also has fruit and slightly nutty tones with comparisons to an exotic Cedarwood.


PLANT PART USED:  Needles and Twigs

EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation.

ORIGIN: Australia

COLOUR: White Cypress essential oil has a vivid green hue


NOTE: Middle

Australian White Cypress,  is a slow-growing native Australian cypress tree, exclusive to tropical Australia. The Callitris species are members of the Southern Conifer group of the Cupressacea family, with fourteen species in Australia, and two in New Caledonia. The compact, neat tree, with dense green fine foliage reaches heights of 20 metres, and its branches can spread up to 10 metres at the base.

Reported Attributes of White Cypress Essential Oil:-

Traditional and Emotional uses reportedly include:-

The oil is used to to fumigate and to soothe cold and flu symptoms. It is also used in skin care but to a lesser extent than Australian Blue Cypress.

White Cypress Essential Oil Blends Well With:-

The Essential Oil blends with all the Lavenders, Lemon, Tea Tree, Lemon Myrtle, Geranium, all the Cedarwoods, Pine, Mandarin, Orange, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Juniper, Rose, Jasmine, and Cardamom


The Australian Aborigines knew of the amazing skin moisturizing properties of the Cypress for thousands of years; they used it to protect their skin from the harsh desert climate. They would use the wood to create weapons and instruments as well as devotional or spiritual objects.

Europeans used the hard and durable timber tfor its resistance to termite invasions and the weather.

Today, White Cypress Essential Oil is primarily used as a calming, grounding agent in aromatherapy, and is a popular choice for meditation and anti-anxiety treatments.


Weight 0 kg