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Beau Monde


Beau Monde Seasoning

100 grams

Ingredients:-Allergens listed in bold type

Ground Bay Leaf, White Pepper, Black Pepper, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Allspice, Mace, Celery Seed, Cloves, Sea Salt

Prepared in an environment where nuts and grains may have been present

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Beau Monde seasoning (literally beautiful world) is a kind of seasoning salt which enhances a variety of cuisines. It is an excellent rub for beefsteaks and roasts as well as poultry and fish dishes.

It is also used as a seasoning for salad dressings, greens and vegetables. A touch of beau monde seasoning to any basic recipe transforms the recipe into a unique, special dish.

A touch of Beau Monde added to a Bloody Mary turns it into something very special and added to a devilled dish adds piquancy.

The ingredients include:-

Ground Bay Leaf
White Pepper
Black Pepper
Celery Seed
Sea Salt

Weight 0.1 kg
Country of Origin

Various Countries

Batch Code
