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chaney root

Chaney Root (Smilax balbisiana)


Chaney Root

10 grams

Also known as: Jamaican Sarsaparilla, Chainey Winder, Prickly Green Brier, Saw Brier and Chaney Vine,

Smilax balbisiana


PIMENTO LEAVES as a tea is – Useful treating high blood sugar,  bacterial infections and fungal infections, rheumatism, amenorrhea, and colic.Pimento leaves held in the mouth will decrease the urge for cigarettes.A tea of the leaves will also keep the body warm,purify the stomach,aid digestion,relieve gas and stop vomiting. A mixture of pimento and white rum is a great remedy for menstrual cramps – See more at:
PIMENTO LEAVES as a tea is – Useful treating high blood sugar,  bacterial infections and fungal infections, rheumatism, amenorrhea, and colic.Pimento leaves held in the mouth will decrease the urge for cigarettes.A tea of the leaves will also keep the body warm,purify the stomach,aid digestion,relieve gas and stop vomiting. A mixture of pimento and white rum is a great remedy for menstrual cramps – See more at:
PIMENTO LEAVES as a tea is – Useful treating high blood sugar,  bacterial infections and fungal infections, rheumatism, amenorrhea, and colic.Pimento leaves held in the mouth will decrease the urge for cigarettes.A tea of the leaves will also keep the body warm,purify the stomach,aid digestion,relieve gas and stop vomiting. A mixture of pimento and white rum is a great remedy for menstrual cramps – See more at:
Useful treating high blood sugar,  bacterial infections and fungal infections, rheumatism, amenorrhea, and colic.Pimento leaves held in the mouth will decrease the urge for cigarettes.A tea of the leaves will also keep the body warm,purify the stomach,aid digestion,relieve gas and stop vomiting. A mixture of pimento and white rum is a great remedy for menstrual cramps – See more at:

Chaney root, is also known as Jamaican Sarsaparilla, Chainey Winder, Prickly Green Brier, Saw Brier and Chaney Vine,  and is a perennial vine that is native to South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean. It is collected wild from deep in the Jamaican woods.

Spanish explorers discovered that it was being used as an infusion by natives for a general tonic and it is believed to be an aphrodisiac. It is full of iron and consequently used in cases of anaemia but is also used to help combat the symptoms of fatigue, rheumatism and arthritis. It is a natural analgesic and a blood tonic.

It is best known, perhaps, in the West, as a libido enhancer. To make a tea from it steep 25 grams of the root in a litre of water and simmer for ten minutes or so, cool and strain. It is usually sweetened with honey or sugar as it is bitter but on the plus side you can re-use the root material a couple more times for further batches of the infusion.









Weight 0.01 kg
Best Before

December 2026

Country of Origin



August 2023