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black spruce essential oil label

Black Spruce Essential Oil-Picea mariana


BOTANICAL NAME: Picea mariana

SCENT: Spruce Black essential oil is one of Canada’s best kept secrets. It is sweeter, and softer than most evergreen oils with a balsamic, resinous odour with green woody notes. Overall, the scent is very clean, fresh and pleasant.


PLANT PART USED: Needles and Twigs

EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation.

ORIGIN: Canada

COLOUR: Spruce Black essential oil is colourless to pale yellow in hue.



Black Spruce is an indigenous tree to all provinces in Canada and northern lakes states of the USA. It is typically found in wet, swampy areas where the wild growing trees can grow anything up to 15 metres in height. It is also called Bog Spruce, Swamp Spruce, and Shortleaf Black Spruce and sometimes as the Canadian Black Pine


It regularly hybridizes with the Red Spruce (Picea rubens) but seldom so with the White Spruce (Picea glauca)

Reported Attributes of Black Spruce Essential Oil:

Traditional and Emotional uses reportedly include:-

Black Spruce has a very pleasant scent, and can be used by aromatherapists in baths to revive tired muscles. It will also be seen frequently used in room sprays, detergents, and in cough and cold preparations.

Blends Well With:-

The Essential Oil blends well with Amyris, benzoin, cedarwood, clary sage, cypress, eucalyptus, frankincense, galbanum, lavender, lemon, oakmoss, palo santo, petitgrain, pine, rose, rosemary


Black Spruce Needle Essential oil has a long history of use in saunas, steam baths, and as an additive to baths and massage products in spas. A particular strength of this essential oil is it’s ability to target sore muscles and to re-energize or invigorate.

Weight 0 kg