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juniper leaf essential oil label

Juniper Leaf Essential Oil-Juniperus communis


BOTANICAL NAME: Juniperus communis

SCENT: Juniper Leaf essential oil has a fresh, rich-balsamic, woody-sweet and pine needle-like odour reminiscent of evergreen oils.



EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation.

ORIGIN: The Himalayan Plateau

COLOUR: Juniper Leaf Essential Oil is medium yellow


NOTE: Middle

Juniper  from which Juniper Leaf Essential Oil is distilled, is a small bushy shrub or tree, 3-35 feet in height growing at an altitude ranging from 8800 to 15,400 feet in the Himalayan region at its highest (from which this particular oil originates)

The Leaves are plucked from the branches of the plant once a year and dried and ground before distillation. The plant is now widely spread throughout the world.

Traditional Attributes of Juniper Leaf Essential Oil:-

Juniper Leaf essential oil is credited as being a supportive, restoring, and tonic aid. It is considered to be a good oil for meditation. It is an enduringly popular oil in many weight loss and detox blends, because it is diuretic, and considered purifying and clearing.

Juniper Leaf Essential Oil Blends Well With:-

Clary Sage, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Geranium, Marjoram. Rosemary, Chamomile & Eucalyptus.

History of Juniper:-

In traditional Indian medicine, the oil is applied externally to relieve rheumatic pain to counteract alopecia; as a styptic and to wounds. The rheumatic element has been adopted in Western circles.

There are around 70 different species of Juniper belonging the Cypress family of plants. The berries are, in fact,  female seed cones, and are very distinctive, with a fleshy fruity set of scales that fuse together forming a berry like structure.

Juniper is one of the plants used in the Gaelic Polytheist Saining rites, such as those performed at Hogmanay, where the smoke of burning juniper is used to cleanse, bless and protect the household and its inhabitants.

The berries are used as a spice and a sauce of them is often used to accompany rich game meats. both berries and leaves are used in a variety of flavouring for alcohol, most notably Gin especially Genevre and Sahti style beers.


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