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Coarse Cut Orange Peel – Citrus sinensis


Coarse Cut Orange Peel

Citrus sinensis

100 grams

Coarse Cut Orange Peel (Citrus sinensis) is often used in culinary creations (especially herbal tea) to add or enhance flavour or add flavour but is also used in many cosmetic preparations. Not to be confused with the outer “zest” of the rind, this is the entire peel cut coarsely. The peel tends to soften when used in cooking or in baking leaving its characteristic flavour behind it but is robust enough to remain present.

Culinary and Medicinal Uses for Coarse Cut Orange Peel:-

It is used extensively in Middle Eastern chutneys as a souring agent and can be used instead of Tamarind or Mango Powder (Amchoor) if they prove difficult to obtain, however, it remains in the final dish rather than disappearing as the powder does

Ancient Chinese medicine used Orange Peel as a treatment for colic and today it is often added to drinks to add a fruity fizziness. It is used to add flavour to tea, herbal or otherwise as well as its diverse and distinctive vitamin content.

In Africa, to this day, Orange Peel is used to treat colic and dyspesia, and in India, Orange Peel is used to treat upset stomach and indigestion.

It is often used in cosmetic preparations and is a very gentle “cleanser”  being astringent in nature.

Constituents of Coarse Cut Orange Peel:-

Orange Peel contains Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Choline, Folic Acid, over 60 known flavonoids, d-limonene, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, aldehydes, numerous minerals and vitamins.

Weight 0.1 kg
Batch Code


Country of Origin
